It was great to meet so many of you at Focus on Imaging. Some of you had traveled quite a distance, with a number making our stand your first port of call. Thank you.
As the editor and deviser of WTL and DV&S, your feedback was invaluable (keep it coming, please). At Focus we got plenty of really positive comments on Working the Light and a huge interest in Developing Vision & Style. In fact so many of you took a DV&S entry form that by the second night I had to go back to London to get more entry leaflets, and to pick up extra copies of WTL as we were on the point of selling out.
Anyone who has visited such shows could be forgiven for thinking of them as soulless places, where a huge mass of people gather simply to get the best deal on the latest gear and where no serious, intelligent conversation about photography can be heard (ok I did buy a 2GB card for my D100 at a very good price!). Well, things were quite different. The conversations that David and I had with the visitors to our stand were about photography and the creative process, with little talk of cameras or techniques. It was inspiring to have such great conversations and this bodes well for the content of DV&S.